Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Welcome to the life of the Looney Lehmann's!

Welcome to the Lehmann family blog. My husband Zach and I have been married for almost 3 years (Dec 28, 2006), and we have one son, Jack, who will be 2 in December. He is the light of our life, and every day he teaches me something new and amazing. It's wonderful to see the world through the eyes of a toddler, where everything is brand new.

My husband Zach is in the military, and we currently live at Keesler AFB in MS. I'm a stay at home mom to Jack. In my spare time, I make hairbows and tutu's, and have begun making baby blankets and burp rags as well. It gives me a creative outlet and brings in some extra money as well.

This blog will contain a bit of everything, and will be linked up to a recipe blog (since I LOVE cooking!). I've gotten a lot of people asking about my recipes, so I figured I would just post a collection of recipes weekly that are grouped together (low carb, great for entertaining, holiday themed, game day food, etc) and share them that way.

I hope you enjoy reading about our life, as it keeps us very entertained!

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