Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sleep? What's that?

*Sigh* Jack is almost 2 years old and we have yet to get a good, solid foundation of sleep for him. Actually, I take that back. We had about 2 months of good sleep until we moved into our new house. And since then, he has begun waking in the night several times, and getting up early in the morning. On occasion, he will sleep late and let us catch up on sleep. But generally he is awake and ready to be up no later than 6:15 am, and sometimes he has been up at 4:45 am. We have not been able to find anything that is waking him up. We haven't been able to pinpoint any patterns. I'm just at a loss. I'm going to purchase a book recommended by a friend today to try a different method, because I guess ours isn't working.

I am just so exhausted. I feel like I'm a failure as a mother, because my child can't/won't sleep. It doesn't just affect me as a parent (my temper being shorter, getting frustrated more easily) but it affects Jack too. His moods and tempers are worse on days that he doesn't get 11 or 12 hours of sleep each night. His naps are short and fitful on some days. Others he takes a nice 3 hour nap. I'm just at a loss. He values his routines so much, EXCEPT one for sleep!

Please help us, we are all tired!

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